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Formatting in progress- here is a poem I wrote a while ago and have edited a bit since. I have written other poems for classes and whatnot but this one I just always loved how it turned out. Feel free to enjoy!!!


Sitting down you start to watch

Flipping pages starting from the top

Words flying swirling all around

Words in a world in pages bound


You start to read the swooping words

Until you fall down into some woods

Or in a cavern, ocean, town

Or in a circus with a clown


The movie starts The play begins

You watch from above or act amid

Amid a tragic tale or funny act

Above a world neither false nor fact


Throughout some hours days or years

Traveling far, time disappears

When finally, finally the world is calm

The reader falls home, to a place of no charm


It was so real and yet so fake

A world that gives, a world that takes

You far away from all demands

To stories told in astonishing lands



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